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Slater rocks up in South West leaving crew munted with his surprise appearance.

Slater and Ralphy having a special moment

Surfers had the surprise of their life in the Yallingup region on Friday as 8 times world champion Kelly Slater made anappearance in the water.

One bewildered spectator said, "I saw this huge fan of spray go through the air then this guy pulls in to the deepest tube I' ve seen and said, who the F#%* is that and the bloke next to me goes Slater.  I said B#%@#*@#^ and then realised it was".

Slater who snuck into town  had local media including print, radio and television in a frenzy trying to nail down where, why, when and what was he doing here.

Rumours had it that he snuck into town to catch North Point on, but if the Salami would have checked on SRO he would have saved some time and money to see that there was no way North Point was going to be on. 

Other rumours flying around were that Slater was in town with Cameron Diaz or maybe Pamela Anderson or maybe it may have been Pauline Hanson or Bronwyn Bishop, either way there was more goss flying around than blowies at a Sunday Bar B Q.

A few lucky people got to meet and shake hands with the man including one who reckons he is not washing his hand for the rest of his life (man u r gonna have one smelly hand by the time your 70).

Todd Ralph from Mandurah even managed to get a photo with the 9 time (yeh I know he only won it 8 times, but I rekon he will do it again) world champion.

Well done Todd, it will give you something to tell your kids about in the future.

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Last updated 06/08/2006