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How about a wave pool for Western Australia

The push and approvals and implementation for wave pools worldwide has ramped up with countries that have seen the economic and tourist potential as phenomenal.

Some of the locations have experienced huge rises in accommodation and spending in the regions, not only by surfers, but tourists as well.

Wave pools are being built all around the globe to cash in on the phenomenon. "Sure" you may say, "its only a wave pool", but the jobs not only in construction, accommodation, tourism and those directly associated with the running, including coaching clinics etc at the wave pools has seen an increase in jobs like no other. Not only that, but now that Surfing has been accepted as an Olypmic sport are we going to miss out even more.

Global wave pool map. Where they are going and where they are. (image: wavepoolmag.com)

Urbn surf Wave Garden is about to open in January near Tullamarine airport while In Western Australia, WA (which some say stands for "Wait Awhile") our quest for a wave pool has been going on for a few years, but to no avail. What needs to happen is the WA ("Wait Awhile") government needs to get off its arse and commit to helping one get up and running, as we are being left behind globally.

We surfers do not hit the government up for ovals, recreation facilities etc, so how about some land, maybe some money and approving a wave pool for starters.

The URBN SURF wave pool in Melbourne. (What we are missing out on.)

The possibilities not only for recreational surfers, but the general public also is exciting. Can you imagine Friday night contests like going to watch the footy or the cricket at a wave pool. I can.

The Perth metro area has long seen a decline in the quality of surf, not only due to developments, groynes and changing weather conditions, but other factors as well.

By the time I get to surf one in WA ("Wait Awhile) I will must probably be dead. Or trying to surf with a zimmer frame.

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