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Srosurf.com says no to buy out/take over offer.

Second time running and srosurf.com knocks back bid to buy out website. Lets put it in lay mans terms.

This is a Western Australian website, owned and operated by a West Australian. Even though srosurf.com is WA based it is reckognised globally with the site receiving more hits than one of Danny Greens sparring partners.

After being offered some serious dollars from a non West Australian based company (on legal documentation with more pages to it than the oxford dictionary) Marz has knocked back the offer.

In an interview with himself talking into the mirror Marz said, "This is the second time I have had an offer to buy out the website from a non West Australian based company. While a few of my friends and family have said I'm an idiot for not taking the money, I don't really care (I do kind of, but it's a case of pride). Srosurf.com has been around for quite some time now and has established cred in a world of websites that have been knocked up left right and center laying some outrageous claims to the amount of traffic they receive".

SRO consistently places in the top ten* in regards to surfing websites by traffic, this does not include traffic to external links. It does not rely on webcams to boost it's traffic or sending vistors off around to different parts of the website to gather the information they require. The traffic recorded and audited is from within srosurf.com pages not external links. The traffic recorded is also only for Australian visitors to the site.

In the past, the website has said no to companys wishing to advertise so as not clutter or slow down it's webpages, but the time has come to allow a small percentage of advertiser on board to help pay for the website running costs, etc, etc.

Srosurf.com, West Australian owned, West Australian operated and globally renowned.

* Monitored by Hitwise and audited by Price Waterhouse.

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Last updated 06/08/2006