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Well know and respected Mandurah local Ben Gerring was attacked by a shark yesterday while surfing at his well know local break at Gearies.

By all accounts it was going off as the swell built steadily throughout the day.

Ben remains in a critical condition in RPH this morning in one of the most important fights of his life.

Ben has always been a fighter seeing the Mandurah local constantly placing in finals during his competitive years of surfing.

A popular surfer in the "JC SURFWORX" events through the early 2000, Bens best result was winning the Volcom contest which saw him win a trip to compete in the USA for the finals.

Bens love for surfing saw him constantly chasing waves in Indonesia and our states South and North west, wether it was small or large his go for it attitude was for ever prevelant.

The attack has left the close knit Mandurah community in shock, while surfers who were out there were describing how it was one of those arvo's where itwas surreal with pumping waves and semi glassy conditions and very little crowd considering the popularity of the break.

There were parents out there with their kids and for them to see what happened will surely have scarred the. Please seek proffesional help if you or your children are not coping.

And to the crew that helped bring Ben back to the beach, you are F%#king legends in my book and others.

Our thoughts are with Ben and his family, keep fighting, its one of the things you are good at besides surfing.

copyright srosurf.com ©SRO  All rights reserved 01/06/2016 Last updated 02/06/2016